About Me

Education: Bachelor and Master in Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Bonn.

Research Interests: Massive stellar and binary evolution, gravitational waves, globular clusters, gamma ray bursts, core-collapse supernovae


I work on various aspects of massive binary evolution, elucidated below.

Algol binary stars

The term "Algol" addresses its prototypical star Beta Persei, a bright multiple star system in the Perseus constellation. It is one of the first stars recorded to show a variation in its brightness, dating back to 1244--1163 B.C. ... For all Batman enthusiasts, the word "Algol" is derived from the Arabic word "Ra's al-Ghul", or the head of the Demon. For a more extensive historical background, see the Wikipedia page.

These systems have short orbital periods (a few days) and can, more often than not, be observable as double-lined eclipsing binaries. Hence, they are ideal systems for studying stellar and binary properties as precise measurements of their component masses, radii, and effective temperatures are possible. Moreover, they constitute a long-lived phase of close binary evolution where we see the systems in a unique configuration where the less massive star transfers mass to its more massive companion. More than 50 massive Algol binaries have been observed across our Milky Way, Large Magellanic Cloud and Small Magellanic Cloud combined.

The above properties of Algol binaries provide a unique test-bed to study our theories of massive stellar and binary evolution, such as the physics of binary interaction directly. I study the evolution of massive Algol binaries (Algols heavier the eight times the mass of the Sun) using detailed binary evolution models computed using the software MESA (Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics). By directly comparing the predictions of the binary models to the observed properties of the massive Algols, I derive constraints on binary and stellar physics, such as mass transfer efficiency, internal mixing, stellar winds, etc.

Wolf-Rayet stars

Wolf-Rayet stars are the brighest and hottest stars observable in the sky. The spectra of these stars show broad emission lines of hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, oxygen and/or carbon. They give out strong radiation-driven winds, ...enriching the interstellar medium with various heavy elements. While most Wolf-Rayet stars are expected to burning helium in their cores, there is also a handful of them situated on the main sequence of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, presumably thought to be burning hydrogen in their cores. These stars are thought to be the direct progenitors of black holes and neutron stars! So, an understanding of the formation and evolution of these systems directly refine our knowledge in the field of gravitational wave astronomy, a blooming new field in recent times.

I have shown that the evolution of very massive binaries challenges the convention knowledge of binary evolution, all related to the luminosity of these stars being close to their Eddington luminosity. Observed counterparts have been identified confirming the existence of the novel binary evolution channel where a more massive star can transfer mass to a less massive star at the nuclear timescale (reverse Algols). Furthermore, the mass-donors can be observable as Wolf-Rayet stars, with BAT99 #113 being the smoking gun. I am studying the observable properties of this class of binaries to understand their impact on the formation of black holes and in turn, the strongest sources of gravitational wave emission.

Gravitational wave progenitors

The discovery of gravitational waves has given humanity a new pair of glasses to observe the Universe. With ~100 detections of gravitational waves by LIGO, and more detectors such as LISA, Taiji and Einstein Telescope ... expected to come up in the coming decades, we have exciting years ahead. However, accurate or precise gravitational wave merger rate predictions are difficult. Most rapid binary population synthesis codes used for predicting the properties of gravitational wave merger events use simple, single-star models. Moreover, there are significant uncertainties in the merger rate predictions due to the underlying tension in our understanding of their progenitor systems, which I discussed above.

With the recent rise in computer processing power, calculating extensive grids of massive single and binary stellar evolution models has become possible. I am working to create grids of state-of-the-art single and binary evolution models at different metallicities to feed into the rapid binary evolution code COMPAS to derive more precise gravitational-wave merger rates. Furthermore, a better understanding of massive star evolution obtained from the above projects and implemented into the detailed model grids will also increase our merger rate predictions' accuracy. Last but not least, these models can be used to study many other physical systems, such as the evolution of globular clusters, gamma-ray bursts and core-collapse supernovae.


Invited Talks:
Astrophysics seminar at the Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University, Krakow | Presentation

Astrophysics seminar at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune | Presentation

Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics seminar at the Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Mumbai | Presentation

Physics seminar of the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur | Presentation

Astrophysics seminar of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow | Presentation

Seminar of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Institute of Astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun | Presentation

Contributed Talks:
e-Rosita Meeting, Garching, 2024 | Presentation

VFTS Meeting, Madrid, 2024 | Presentation

Galactic and extragalactic X-ray transients, theory and observational perspectives, Warsaw, 2024 | Presentation

MODEST-24 | Exploring Dense Stellar Systems Across Cosmic Time, Warsaw, 2024 2024 | Presentation

IAU Division G | Stars and Stellar Physics, Cape Town, 2024 | Presentation | Talk

IAU 389 | Gravitational Wave Astrophysics, Cape Town, 2024 | Presentation | Talk

41st Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium: The eventful life of massive star multiples, Liege, 2024 | Presentation

Physics of Extreme Massive Stars, Rio de Janeiro, 2024 | Presentation

Stable Mass Transfer in Binaries: from onset to remnants, New York, 2024 | Presentation

3,2,1: Massive Triples, Binaries and Mergers, Leuven, 2023 | Presentation | Talk

Annual meeting of the European Astronomical Society, Krakow, 2023 | Presentation

The Wolf-Rayet phenomenon in the Universe, Morelia, 2023 | Presentation

German Astronomical Society meeting, 2022 | Presentation

VFTS Meeting 2022 | Presentation

SuperVirtual 2021 | Presentation

German Astronomical Society meeting, AG 2021 | Presentation

German Astronomical Society meeting 2020 | Presentation

APS April Meeting 2018 | Presentation


Guest lecture on binary evolution at Steward Observatory: Slides | Notes | Movie

How to make a website: Having a professional website is a small but significant step towards making your works more accessible to the academic world. Here is the Astrosites tutorial that I used to make my own!

How to plan and write a research paper: Writing the first research paper can be daunting. There are a lot of books addressing the task, but here are two short articles discussing how to plan and write a paper in astronomy.

(Biased) list of papers on the theory of massive binary evolution: Following is the path I took to start learning about massive binaries during my doctoral studies: Pols (1994) -> Wellstein et al. (2001) -> Braun & Langer (1995) -> Nelson & Eggleton (2001) -> de Mink et al. (2007) -> Sen et al. (2022). You can find them and more here.

Daily dose of exciting Science: Anton Petrov, Veritasium, Dr. Becky, PBS Space Time